transitive verb
EN --We knew perfectly well of course that though it was bound to come to the light he would find considerable difficulty in endeavouring to try to induce himself to try to endeavour to ascertain the spiritual plenipotentiary and so we knew of course perfectly well.
GL -- Sabiamos perfectamente ben desde logo que isto tería que saír á luz aínda que el atoparía considerables dificultades ao procurar tentar comprometerse en averiguar o plenipotenciario espiritual de maneira que sabiamos perfectamente ben...
Fonte: RET (2738)
EN And as regards the question of left-handedness, ought we not to take steps to ascertain which of the passengers is left-handed?
GL E polo que respecta á cuestión de que un deles é zurdo, ¿non deberiamos de facer algo para comprobar cál dos pasaxeiros é o manicho?
Fonte: ASA (4845)
EN The lady in black had once received a pair of prayer-beads of curious workmanship from Mexico, with very special indulgence attached to them, but she had never been able to ascertain whether the indulgence extended outside the Mexican border.
GL Unha vez agasallaran á muller de negro cun rosario orixinal de artesanía mexicana, con indulxencia especial, pero ela nunca puidera pescudar se esa indulxencia ía máis aló da fronteira mexicana.
Fonte: ESP (1139)
EN Though the night was dark and dismal, yet the form of the unknown might now in some degree be ascertained.
GL Aínda que a noite era moi escura e lúgubre, agora podíase distinguir un pouco a aparencia daquel descoñecido.
Fonte: LEN (283)
EN We have a thousand enquiries to make, doubts to clear up, facts to ascertain.
GL Temos centos de preguntas que facerlle, centos de dúbidas que aclarar e de feitos que esclarecer.
Fonte: DOD (103)
decatarse de
EN In fact, I no longer dared trust myself out of the immediate presence of those who were aware of my proneness to catalepsy, lest, falling into one of my usual fits, I should be buried before my real condition could be ascertained.
GL De feito, non me sentía seguro lonxe daqueles que coñecían a miña propensión á catalepsia, por medo a ser enterrado antes de que se decatasen do meu estado auténtico se me daba un dos meus ataques.
Fonte: BUR (175)
EN The documentary set out to explore how amniocentesis, the procedure invented to test the genetic balance of a child, was being abused in a horrific manner in India as a test for women to ascertain the sex of their unborn child.
GL A película intenta denuncia-la utilización vergoñenta na India da amniocentese para facer un estudio xenético do feto, que serve en realidade para determina-lo seu sexo.
Fonte: C13 (1194)