EN He had forgotten, and was even more surprised than ashamed.
GL Esquecérao e estaba aínda máis sorprendido que avergoñado.
Fonte: BES (60)
EN They are ashamed of Africa as it is today, and they prefer to lie about the corruption and evil there.
GL Séntense avergonzados da situación actual de África e prefiren engasarse no que fai á corrupción e os abusos que alí se cometen.
Fonte: C27 (1169)
..... to feel ashamed
sentir vergoña
EN The onlookers laughed uproariously, and he felt ashamed, he knew not why, for it was his first snow.
GL Entón decatouse de que os homes que o miraban rían a cachón. Non sabía por qué e sentiu vergoña. Era a primeira vez que vía a neve.
Fonte: CHA (196)
..... to be ashamed
dar vergoña
EN Both were ashamed to name it; each waited for the other to do it.
GL Pero tanto a un coma ó outro dáballes vergoña dicilo e esperaban que fose o outro quen o fixese.
Fonte: LEG (409)
ter vergoña
EN Then he started telling us how he was never ashamed, when he was in some kind of trouble or something, to get right down on his knees and pray to God.
GL Logo deu en contar que, cando estaba nun apuro, nunca tiña vergoña de axeonllarse e rezar a Deus.
Fonte: VIX (507)