transitive verb
cocer (no forno)
EN They dig and plough and sow, trudge for miles to market bearing great burdens, and find time to knit and spin, bake bread, bring up their children, and for all the multifarious tasks connected with the flax, maize, chestnuts and vines.
GL Cavan, aran e sementan, fan longas camiñadas ó mercado levando pesadas cargas e atopan tempo para tecer, fiar, coce-lo pan, cria-los fillos e tamén para as múltiples tarefas relacionadas co liño, o millo, as castañas e as videiras.
Fonte: GAL (87)
..... in bake
EN --O, Dedalus, he cried, Doyle is in a great bake about you.
GL --Ei, Dédalus --berrou--, Doyle está alporizado contigo.
Fonte: RET (1763)