EN Speculation, however, has not abated: options for the first cause include a fluctuation in a field of quantum "foam," a growth inside a Black Hole or the bounce from a self-annihilating parent universe.
GL Pero as especulacións non cesaron: fluctuación no campo de "escurra" cuántica (adeptos do Big Bang), crecemento no interior do burato ou exección dun universo xerador e autodestructor.
Fonte: C16 (291)
intransitive verb
EN The great rock that had killed Piggy had bounded into this thicket and bounced there, right in the centre, making a smashed space a few feet in extent each way.
GL A gran rocha que matara ó Piggy rolara ata esa matogueira e, ó botar alí, xusto no centro, fixera unha pequena gabia.
Fonte: SEN (5916)
EN The floor was all stone, and if you had some marbles in your hand and you dropped them, they bounced like madmen all over the floor and made a helluva racket, and the teacher would hold up the class and go back and see what the hell was going on.
GL O chan era todo de pedra, e se tirabas unhas bólas rebotaban coma tolas, e facían moito barullo, e entón a profesora paraba toda a fileira e viña ver que era o que sucedía.
Fonte: VIX (3921)
EN While the official line is that Zabaleta was killed only because he followed a different football team, the public perception of the Bastion's political sympathies was re-enforced during the return game when they were captured on film bouncing up and down with a swastika flag.
GL Por máis de a versión oficial afirmar que o que lle custou a vida a Zabaleta foi ser partidario doutro equipo, as simpatías políticas do grupo agresor quedaron máis claras cando, no partido de volta, se filmaron os seus membros brincando cunha bandeira na que había unha cruz gammada.
Fonte: C27 (879)