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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- broken-down, broken-hearted, broken-heartedly, broker, brokerage, bronchitis, Brontosaurus, bronze, brooch, brood, brooding, brook, broom, broomstick, brothel, brother, brotherhood, brother-in-law, brotherly


- intransitive verb
- cavilar

EN Long after Juan Tomás had gone Kino sat brooding on his sleeping mat.
GL Moito despois de que Juan Tomás o deixara, Kino seguía a cavilar sentado na esteira.
- Fonte: PER (945)
- cismar

EN And there he would lie all day long on the lawn brooding presumably over his poetry, till he reminded one of a cat watching birds, and then he clapped his paws together when he had found the word, and her husband said, 'Poor old Augustus -- he's a true poet,' which was high praise from her husband.
GL E alí botaba todo o santo día, deitado no prado a cismar probablemente na súa poesía, ata lembrarlle a un un gato ó asexo dos paxaros, e logo aplaudía coas súas poutas cando atopaba a palabra, e o seu home dicía: «Pobre e vello Augustus, é un verdadeiro poeta», cousa que, vindo do seu home, era unha gran louvanza.
- Fonte: CAR (1496)
- meditar

EN They lived yet two years, in mental night, always brooding, steeped in vague regrets and melancholy dreams, never speaking; then release came to both on the same day.
GL Aínda viviron outros dous anos nun delirio constante, sempre meditando tristemente, saturados de remorsos imprecisos e soños melancólicos, sen dicir nunca nin chío; e finalmente a liberación chegoulles ós dous no mesmo día.
- Fonte: LEG (674)
- matinar

EN Meek and abased by this consciousness of the one eternal omnipresent perfect reality his soul took up again her burden of pieties, masses and prayers and sacraments and mortifications, and only then for the first time since he had brooded on the great mystery of love did he feel within him a warm movement like that of some newly born life or virtue of the soul itself.
GL Manso e abatido pola conciencia da realidade eterna, omnipresente e perfecta, a súa alma recolleu de novo o seu fardel de piedades, misas, pregarias, sacramentos e mortificacións, e soamente entón, por primeira vez desde que matinaba no gran misterio do amor, sentiu dentro del un movemento cálido como o dunha vida recén nacida, ou da virtude da propia alma.
- Fonte: RET (3055)

- noun
- cría

EN It was easy to know them, fluttering about with extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious brood.
GL Era doado recoñecelas, revoando coas ás estendidas e protectoras cando calquera tipo de perigo real ou imaxinario ameazaba ás crías.
- Fonte: ESP (181)
- rolada

EN The captain-general was overpowered by her tears and lamentations, and the clamors of her callow brood.
GL O capitán xeneral resultou abalado polas bágoas e mailos laios e chíos da tenra rolada.
- Fonte: ALH (75)