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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- butterfly, button, buttonhole, buttress, buxom, buy, buyer, buzz, buzzing, by, by-business, bygone, by-lane, bypass, by-place, byproduct, bystander, bystreet, byte


- preposition
- por

EN As he pressed forward he became conscious that his way was haunted by invisible existences whom he could not definitely figure to his mind.
GL Segundo avantaba advertiu que o seu andar estaba a ser esculcado por seres invisibles que non era quen de representar na súa mente con claridade.
- Fonte: HAL (26)
- de

EN My brother gave me a book by Ring Lardner for my birthday, just before I went to Pencey.
GL O meu irmán deume un libro de Ring Lardner no meu cumpreanos, xusto antes de ir a Pencey.
- Fonte: VIX (545)
- en

EN And that night Mr Casey had not gone to Dublin by train but a car had come to the door and he had heard his father say something about the Cabinteely road.
GL Aquela noite o señor Casey non viñera a Dublín en tren senón en coche, e escoitara ao seu pai dicir algo sobre a estrada de Cabinteely.
- Fonte: RET (817)
- con

EN Wat did she wish to indicate by the triangular purple shape, 'just there?' he asked.
GL ¿Que quería indicar con aquel triángulo morado que estaba «xusto alí»?, preguntou.
- Fonte: CAR (666)
- a

EN It is all made by hand by some fifty potters, each in his own cottage, working often alone, sometimes with one or even two assistants.
GL Fana toda a man uns cincuenta oleiros, cada un instalado na súa propia casa, traballando a miúdo sós, outras veces con un ou ás veces dous axudantes.
- Fonte: GAL (833)
- ao lado de, · ó lado de

EN He woke suddenly to hear the telephone ringing by his bed.
GL Espertou de golpe no intre de soar o timbre do teléfono, ao lado da cama.
- Fonte: TER (456)
- a carón de

EN Jack, concealed from the sun, knelt by the pool and opened the two large leaves that he carried.
GL Jack, oculto do sol, axeonllouse a carón da poza e abriu as dúas grandes follas que traía.
- Fonte: SEN (1678)
- xunto a

EN She did not go to Mademoiselle Reisz's nor pass by Madame Lebrun's, as she might have done if he had still been in Mexico.
GL Non foi á casa de Mademoiselle Reisz nin pasou xunto á casa de Madame Lebrun, como podería ter feito se el inda se atopase en México.
- Fonte: ESP (2948)
- segundo

EN 'And, by our former reasoning, it must be one of the passengers,' said M. Bouc.
GL --E segundo os nosos razoamentos anteriores, ten que ser un dos pasaxeiros --interveu Monsieur Bouc--.
- Fonte: ASA (4650)
- de acordo con

EN Secondly, The poorer tenants will have something valuable of their own, which by law may be made liable to distress and help to pay their landlord's rent, their corn and cattle being already seized, and money a thing unknown.
GL En segundo lugar, os arrendatarios máis pobres terán algo valioso de seu, que, de acordo coa lei, se podería confiscar e co que se axudaría a paga-la renda dos seus propietarios, o millo e o gando que xa se lles embargara, e os cartos que descoñecían.
- Fonte: PRO (39)
- ata

- Cando, ao falar de datas, empregamos by diante dun día ou mes determinado, fixamos un límite para esa acción. EX: I want you to finish the report by September > Tés ata setembro para rematar o informe. (como moi tarde).

EN The earliest applications can be filed by December 31, 2000, and the first gems on the list of humanity's oral and intangible heritage will be named in June 2001.
GL A presentación das primeiras candidaturas vaise facer ata o 31 de decembro de 2000 e a proclamación das primeiras obras mestras efectuarase en xuño de 2001.
- Fonte: C22 (522)
- antes de

EN 'Quick, quick,' he said; 'if we get in by midnight we are quite safe¡.
GL --Rápido, rápido --dixo-- se chegamos antes de medianoite estaremos seguros.
- Fonte: DAI (1397)
.....--- by the time
- cando

EN By the time Cassiar Bar was reached, he was so weak that he was falling repeatedly in the traces.
GL Cando estaban chegando a Cassiar Bar, Dave ía tan feble que caeu esborrallado varias veces.
- Fonte: CHA (791)
.....--- by the way
- por certo

EN "By the way," he added, "it is neither white nor a church; it is an abandoned schoolhouse, gray with age and neglect".
GL Por certo --engadiu--, nin é branca nin é unha igrexa: é unha escola abandonada, gris polo paso dos anos e polo desleixo.
- Fonte: HAL (137)
- a propósito

EN Oh!... by the way, Lane, I see from your book that on Thursday night, when Lord Shoreman and Mr. Worthing were dining with me, eight bottles of champagne are entered as having been consumed.
GL ¡Oh! A propósito, Lane: vin no seu libro que o xoves pola noite, cando lord Shoreman e míster Worthing estiveron ceando comigo, anotou que tomaran oito botellas de champaña.
- Fonte: ERN (17)
.....--- by and by
- co tempo

EN You'll know why, by and by.
GL Xa saberás por qué co tempo.
- Fonte: BIL (267)
.....--- by oneself

EN I certainly began to feel like a prize horse's ass, though, sitting there all by myself.
GL Certamente empezaba a sentirme coma un parvo alí sentado, eu .
- Fonte: VIX (2802)