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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- cashmere, casino, cask, casket, Caspian, cassava, casserole, cassette, cassock, cast, caste, castellated, Castilian, Castille, casting, castle, cast-off, casual, casually


- transitive verb
- PAST: cast. PART: cast
- proxectar

EN How could he hit their conscience or how cast his shadow over the imaginations of their daughters, before their squires begat upon them, that they might breed a race less ignoble than their own?
GL ¿Como bater na súa conciencia, como proxectar a súa sombra na imaxinación das súas fillas, antes de que os seus galáns as tivesen fecundado, a fin de lles facer crear unha raza menos innobre que aquela?
- Fonte: RET (4787)
- botar

EN In olden times it was the custom to punish the parricide, the man who had raised his murderous hand against his father, by casting him into the depths of the sea in a sack in which were placed a cock, a monkey, and a serpent.
GL Nos tempos antigos era costume castigar o parricida, o home que erguera a man criminal contra o pai, botándoo ao fondo do mar nun saco no que meteran un galo, un mono e unha serpente.
- Fonte: RET (2477)
- guindar

EN But after all, who has the right to cast a stone against one who has suffered?
GL Pero despois de todo, ¿quen ten dereito a guindar unha pedra contra o que sufriu?
- Fonte: ERN (2028)
- lanzar

EN She was happy, she said, and had the best of good eating, and would he not eat? and therewith laid all kinds of food on the table; but he, knowing well that she was trying to cast on him the glamour by giving him faery food, that she might keep him with her, refused and came home to his people in Sligo.
GL Era feliz, segundo lle dixo, e tiña comida da máis saborosa. Preguntoulle se quería tomar algo, e nestas dispuxo sobre unha mesa toda sorte de viandas; mais el, sabedor de que o que estaba tentando era lanzarlle un feitizo dándolle comida encantada, para así facelo ficar onda ela, rexeitounas e volveu para a casa, canda a súa xente de Sligo.
- Fonte: CEL (66)
- tirar

EN I believe she would have cast herself into it had I not restrained her.
GL Creo que se tiraría por riba delas de non evitalo eu.
- Fonte: TEM (1554)
.....--- to cast down someone's eyes
- baixar os ollos

EN The men uncovered their heads and stepped back from the door, and the women gathered their shawls about their faces and cast down their eyes.
GL Os homes descubriron as cabezas e apartáronse da porta. As mulleres recolleron os chales contra a cara e baixaron os ollos.
- Fonte: PER (441)
.....--- to cast about
- buscar por todos os lados

EN Jack cast about on the bare rock and looked anxious.
GL Jack buscou por tódolos lados e semellaba cobizoso.
- Fonte: SEN (3316)
.....--- to cast aside
- rexeitar

EN That is, he could not see that she was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.
GL É dicir, el non vía que Edna estaba chegando a ser ela mesma e rexeitando día a día ese eu ficticio que asumimos coma un disfrace co que aparecer perante o mundo.
- Fonte: ESP (1572)

- noun
- elenco

EN It was liberating to see Emily Brontë's classic work through the eyes of a black cast of characters.
GL Constituíu unha liberación ó ve-lo clásico de Emily Bronté cos ollos dun elenco de personaxes negros.
- Fonte: C12 (23)