EN But in Adores, a series of novels with an African background which has recently been launched by the Côte d'Ivoire publishing house Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes (NEI), the characters eat manioc or fried banana instead of caviar, drink ginger juice instead of champagne, and instead of waltzing throw themselves into the mapouka, a dance that is all the rage in Abidjan.
GL Pero en Adores, unha colección rosa de ambiente e personaxes africanos que acaba de lanzar en Costa do Marfil a editorial Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes (NEI), o caviar transfórmase en mandioca ou plátano frito, o champán en zume de xenxibre e o vals en mapouka, danza de moda en Abidján.
Fonte: C13 (1030)