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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- championship, chance, chancel, chancellor, chandelier, change, changeable, changing, channel, chant, chanting, chaos, chaotic, chap, chapel, chaplet, chapter, char, character


- transitive or intransitive verb
- cantar

EN The voice of the nightingale was faintly heard, still chanting the wonted theme.
GL A voz do reiseñor escoitábase velaíña, aínda a canta-lo motivo de sempre.
- Fonte: ALH (444)
- berrar

EN In January 2001, some 5,000 parents and teachers marched through the streets of Caracas, the capital city, chanting "Chavez, don't mess with my children," and accusing the regime of indoctrinating youth in Cuban style.
GL En xaneiro de 2001, uns 5.000 pais e profesores desfilaron polas rúas berrando "Chávez, non te metas cos meus fillos" e acusando o réxime de adoutrina-la xuventude, coma en Cuba.
- Fonte: C06 (878)
- salmodiar

EN During Ramadan, the month of fasting and of feasting together, circles of believers chant praises to their Creator in harmony.
GL Durante o Ramadán, mes de xaxún e da alegría de estar xuntos, os círculos de crentes salmodian ó unísono loas ó seu creador.
- Fonte: C21 (682)

- noun
- canto

EN The vesper-service was going forward in splendid chants and organ-tones in the adjacent choir, and meanwhile, between Mrs Costello and her friends, there was a great deal said about poor little Miss Miller's going really 'too far'.
GL O servicio de vésperas desenvolvíase en medio de espléndidos cantos e tons de órgano no coro adxacente, e mentres tanto Mrs Costello e as comadres, estaban a conversar sobre a pobriña Miss Miller e o feito de que realmente se sobrepasara --e moito--.
- Fonte: DAI (1228)
- cántico

EN The chant rose a tone in agony.
GL O cántico, agoniante, elevouse un ton.
- Fonte: SEN (4584)
- cantata

EN Every night, regularly, at nine, at twelve, at three, they lifted a nocturnal song, a weird and eerie chant, in which it was Buck's delight to join.
GL Cada noite, regularmente ás nove, ás doce e ás tres da madrugada, elevaban os seus oubeos nocturnos nunha cantata alucinante e sobrenatural na que Buck participaba con gozo.
- Fonte: CHA (539)
- salmodia

EN A veritable cannibal, this genre spawns a constant stream of variants as the technological wizards, DJs, re-configure any kind of music or sound --from a train whistle to the chant of a Tibetan lama-- within the thud-thudding of a four-beats-to-a-bar rhythm.
GL Enxerga continuamente variantes novas a medida que os disc-jockeys reelaboran musicas e sons de todo tipo --do asubío dun tren á salmodia dun lama tibetano-- dentro do fragor dun ritmo a catro tempos.
- Fonte: C15 (166)