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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chequers, cherish, cherished, cherry, cherub, cherubim, chess, chess-board, chest, chestnut, chew, chic, Chicano, chick, chicken, chiding, chief, chiefly, chieftain


- noun
- castaña

EN They dig and plough and sow, trudge for miles to market bearing great burdens, and find time to knit and spin, bake bread, bring up their children, and for all the multifarious tasks connected with the flax, maize, chestnuts and vines.
GL Cavan, aran e sementan, fan longas camiñadas ó mercado levando pesadas cargas e atopan tempo para tecer, fiar, coce-lo pan, cria-los fillos e tamén para as múltiples tarefas relacionadas co liño, o millo, as castañas e as videiras.
- Fonte: GAL (87)
- castiñeiro

EN On that side of the road where the brook entered the wood, a group of oaks and chestnuts, matted thick with wild grapevines, threw a cavernous gloom over it.
GL Naquel lado do camiño por onde o regato penetraba na fraga había un grupo de carballos e castiñeiros, moi enmarañados con vides silvestres, que producían unha lóbrega escuridade sobre a auga.
- Fonte: LEN (264)
.....--- chestnut tree
- castiñeiro

EN When autumn began and leaves from the chestnut trees covered the road between the station and the square, a moment would come when I would open the window overlooking our vegetable garden and see with delight the tent of the little circus which had been pitched on the village green overnight.
GL Cando comezaba o outono e a estrada entre a estación e a praza se cubría coas follas dos castiñeiros, chegaba un día en que, ó abri-la fiestra que daba á horta, descubría engaiolado a carpa do pequeno circo que durante a noite se instalara nos campos da aldea.
- Fonte: C23 (760)

- adjective
- castaño

EN She conjured me to cast off the spell; she described how much more comely grey hairs were than my chestnut locks; she descanted on the reverence and respect due to age --how preferable to the slight regard paid to mere children: could I imagine that the despicable gifts of youth and good looks outweighed disgrace, hatred, and scorn?
GL Chegou a suplicarme que desfixese aquel meigallo. Intentou convencerme de cánto máis fermosas eran as canas cós meus rizos castaños, eloxiaba o respecto e a veneración que inspira a vellez comparados coa escasa consideración que se ten cos mozos. ¿Como puiden imaxinar que o desprezable don da xuventude e a beleza sería máis forte có odio, o desprezo e a vergonza?
- Fonte: MOR (187)