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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry, chemo-taxonomic, chemo-therapy, cheque, chequebook, chequers, cherish, cherished, cherry, cherub, cherubim, chess, chess-board, chest, chestnut, chew


- transitive verb
- apreciar

EN We had no children; we were all in all to each other; and though, as she grew older, her vivacious spirit became a little allied to ill-temper, and her beauty sadly diminished, I cherished her in my heart as the mistress I had idolized, the wife I had sought and won with such perfect love.
GL Non tiñamos fillos, estabamos completamente sós; pero, así e todo, ó ir envellecendo, o seu carácter ledo e esperto acabou por acedarse, e a súa beleza comezou a murchar. Sen embargo, eu apreciábaa como a amante que adorara na xuventude e a esposa que conquistara con tanta dedicación.
- Fonte: MOR (176)
- acariciar

EN By degrees this loving disposition began to extend to inanimate objects; he had his favorite flowers, which he cherished with tender assiduity; then he became attached to various trees, and there was one in particular, of a graceful form and drooping foliage, on which he lavished his amorous devotion, carving his name on its bark, hanging garlands on its branches, and singing couplets in its praise, to the accompaniment of his lute.
GL A modiño, este xeito agarimoso principiou a se estender a obxectos inanimados; tiña flores favoritas ás que acariciaba con tenra asiduidade; despois foise afeccionando a varias árbores, habendo unha en particular, de forma graciosa e follame macia, na que prodigaba a súa devoción amorosa: gravando o seu nome na cortiza, pendurando grilandas nas pólas e entoando cantigas no seu loor coa compaña do laúde.
- Fonte: ALH (364)