intransitive verb
EN Even as a child she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life --that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions.
GL Mesmo cando era pequena levara unha vida infantil reservada. Moi cedo percibira instintivamente a dualidade vital entre a vida externa que asente e a interna que cuestiona.
Fonte: ESP (320)
EN For too long we have been forced to adapt to technology --to make our bodies and lives conform to clunky desktop computers, for example.
GL Fai demasiado tempo que vimos acomodando á tecnoloxía, adaptando o noso corpo e a nosa vida ó que decreta o computador.
Fonte: C01 (1171)
EN But they never succeed because they will only develop areas that conform to certain standards of infrastructure, planning and housing construction.
GL Pero non o logran, porque só edifican complexos de vivendas que se axustan a certas normas de infraestructura, planificación e construcción.
Fonte: C02 (1374)
EN Religious rituals, ethnic rites and festivals continue to be reduced and sanitized to conform with tourist expectations, resulting in what one scholar has dubbed "reconstructed ethnicity".
GL Cerimonias relixiosas, ritos e festas de carácter étnico adoitan empobrecerse e tornarse anódinos para responderen ás expectativas dos turistas. Chégase entón a unha "etnicidade reconstruída", segundo a expresión dun investigador.
Fonte: C12 (40)
EN The laws of nature are being rewritten to conform with our latest manipulation of the natural world.
GL Reescríbense as leis da natureza para acomodalas ás novas manipulacións.
Fonte: C17 (1368)
EN "We want to get all banking centres, including the least willing, to conform to international standards," says FATF executive secretary Patrick Moulette.
GL "Queremos impulsar tódalas prazas bancarias, incluso as menos dispostas a cooperar, a cinguirse a normas internacionais", explica Patrick Moulette, secretario executivo do GAFI.
Fonte: C28 (1071)