EN "Out!" exclaimed her husband, with something like genuine consternation in his voice as he laid down the vinegar cruet and looked at her through his glasses.
GL --Fóra? --exclamou o seu home, cun ton de auténtica consternación, mentres depositaba as vinagreiras e a miraba a través dos anteollos.
Fonte: ESP (1386)
EN The tent, illumined by a candle, glowed warmly in the midst of the white plain; and when he, as a matter of course, entered it, both Perrault and François bombarded him with curses and cooking utensils, till he recovered from his consternation and fled ignominiously into the outer cold.
GL A tenda, iluminada por candís, resplandecía agarimosa na chaira branca. Cando intentou entrar nela, Perrault e François guindáronlle as tixolas botando mil maldicións ata que, recobrado da sorpresa, fuxiu alandillando cara ó frío exterior.
Fonte: CHA (262)