EN If she could but get that conviction firmly fixed in her mind, what mattered about the rest?
GL Se puidese lograr que esa convicción arraigase na súa mente, ¿que importaba todo o demais?
Fonte: ESP (2920)
EN You said you had had from your earliest time, as the deepest thing within you, the sense of being kept for something rare and strange, possibly prodigious and terrible, that was sooner or later to happen to you, that you had in your bones the foreboding and the conviction of, and that would perhaps overwhelm you.
GL Dixo que tiña, dende moi novo, no máis fondo do seu interior, a sensación de estar sendo reservado para algo raro e estraño, posiblemente prodixioso e terrible, que lle acontecería antes ou despois, do cal sentía nos seus ósos o presaxio e o convencemento, e que quizais sería superior a vostede.
Fonte: BES (128)
EN The reward is for his capture and conviction.
GL A recompensa dana pola súa captura e condena.
Fonte: HAL (165)