EN The next he knew, he was dimly aware that his tongue was hurting and that he was being jolted along in some kind of conveyance.
GL Cando se recobrou sentiu confusamente que lle proía a lingua e tivo a sensación de ir viaxando nalgún vehículo.
Fonte: CHA (52)
..... means of conveyance
medio de transporte
EN Travelling in Galicia may be said to be a special science, for there are few railways, and till a few years ago the horse diligencias were the chief means of conveyance.
GL Para viaxar en Galicia necesítase dunha ciencia especial, xa que hai poucos ferrocarrís e ata hai ben poucos anos as dilixencias de cabalos eran o principal medio de transporte.
Fonte: GAL (310)