EN Stephen followed also with his ears the accents and intervals of the priest's voice as he spoke gravely and cordially of indifferent themes, the vacation which had just ended, the colleges of the order abroad, the transference of masters.
GL Stephen seguía tamén co oído os tons e as pausas da voz do crego mentres falaba, grave e cordialmente, de temas sen importancia; as vacacións que viñan de rematar, os colexios da Orde no estranxeiro, os cambios de profesores.
Fonte: RET (3099)
EN The moment the usual civilities were over, Hastings caught sight of me, and came straight with cordially outstretched hand; then stopped short when about to shake, and said, with an embarrassed look: "I beg your pardon, sir, I thought I knew you".
GL No momento en que as cortesías habituais acabaron, Hastings acertou a verme por casualidade e veu directo cara a min coa man estendida afectuosamente; entón, cando estaba a piques de estreita-la miña, detívose bruscamente e, coa mirada desazoada, dixo: Pídolle desculpas, señor, pensei que o coñecía.
Fonte: BIL (237)