transitive verb
EN Of the observation excited by Daisy's 'intrigue', Winterbourne gathered that day at St Peter's sufficient evidence.
GL Despois das observacións xurdidas sobre o "lío" de Daisy aquel día en San Pedro, Winterbourne recolleu evidencias abondo.
Fonte: DAI (1226)
EN The old farmers gathered together their families in their wagons, and were heard for some time rattling along the hollow roads, and over the distant hills.
GL Os vellos granxeiros reunían as súas familias nos seus carros e despois podíanse escoitar durante algún tempo batucando polos camiños do val e polos outeiros afastados.
Fonte: LEN (233)
EN She gathered some brown seaweed and made a flat damp poultice of it, and this she applied to the baby's swollen shoulder, which was as good a remedy as any and probably better than the doctor could have done.
GL Colleu algunhas algas castañas, fixo con elas unha fina cataplasma húmida e aplicoulla ó ombro inchado do neno. Era tan bo remedio coma calquera outro, e probablemente mellor có que o médico lle puidera dar.
Fonte: PER (251)
intransitive verb
EN Now it touched the first of the stains that seeped from the broken body and the creatures made a moving patch of light as they gathered at the edge.
GL Agora, xa tocaba a primeira das manchas que escorría daquel corpo esnaquizado; as criaturas formaron un regueiro móbil de luz cando se amorearon ó seu bordo.
Fonte: SEN (4634)