EN Now Kino got up and wrapped his blanket about his head and nose and shoulders.
GL Daquela, Kino ergueuse, puxo a manta sobre os ombros e envolveuna ó redor da cabeza e do nariz.
Fonte: PER (32)
EN About six months later, this man Cassetti was arrested as the head of the gang who had kidnapped the child.
GL --Uns seis meses máis tarde arrestaron este home, Cassetti, o xefe da banda que raptara a cativa.
Fonte: ASA (1662)
EN In Kino's head there was a song now, clear and soft, and if he had been able to speak of it, he would have called it the Song of the Family.
GL Na mente de Kino había agora unha canción clara e doce, que el lle chamaría, se dela puidese falar, a Canción da Familia.
Fonte: PER (25)
EN The one side of my head--the right side --is full of millions of grey hairs.
GL Un lado da miña testa (o dereito) está cheo de millóns de cabelos grises.
Fonte: VIX (246)
transitive verb
EN The convoy was headed by a testy old corporal, who had long served under the governor, and was a man after his own heart; as rusty and stanch as an old Toledo blade.
GL Guiaba a caravana un cabo vello e rabuxento que servira moito tempo baixo as ordes do gobernador e era home obediente da súa propia vontade, tan valoroso e rexo coma un vello aceiro toledán.
Fonte: ALH (24)
EN Rabri Devi is the present chief minister, heading a centrist Rashtriya Janata Dal (National People's Party) government.
GL O actual primeiro ministro, Rabri Devi, dirixe o goberno centrista do Rashtriya Janata Dal (Partido Nacional do Pobo).
Fonte: C04 (733)
EN An international team of experts headed by Edmund ("Ted") Pillsbury, former director of the Kimbell Museum of Art in Fort Worth, Texas, came to St. Petersburg.
GL Un equipo internacional de expertos encabezado por Edmund Pillsbury, ex director do Museo da Arte Kimbell de Forth Worth (Texas, Estados Unidos), viaxou a San Petersburgo.
Fonte: C10 (1050)