EN And directly she went a sort of disintegration set in; they wavered about, went different ways, Mr Bankes took Charles Tansley by the arm and went off to finish on the terrace the discussion they had begun at dinner about politics, thus giving a turn to the whole poise of the evening, making the weight fall in a different direction, as if, Lily thought, seeing them go, and hearing a word or two about the policy of the Labour Party, they had gone up on to the bridge of the ship and were taking their bearings; the change from poetry to politics struck her like that; so Mr Bankes and Charles Tansley went off, while the others stood looking at Mrs Ramsay going upstairs in the lamplight alone.
GL E, nada máis marchar, produciuse unha especie de desintegración; todos se movían dun lado para outro, tomaban diferentes rumbos, o señor Bankes colleu a Charles Tansley do brazo e saíron á terraza para remata-la discusión sobre política que comezaran na cea, provocando deste xeito unha variación no equilibrio da velada, facendo que o peso oscilase noutra dirección, coma se subisen, pensou Lily, véndoos marchar, e ó escoitar unha ou dúas palabras sobre a política do Partido Laborista, á ponte dun barco en procura de orientación; o paso da poesía á política desconcertáraa; ou sexa, que o señor Bankes e Charles Tansley saíron mentres os outros permanecían mirando como a señora Ramsay subía en solitario, á luz da lámpada, as escaleiras.
Fonte: CAR (1742)
EN He had been a colonel in the Confederate army, and still maintained, with the title, the military bearing which had always accompanied it.
GL Fora antigo coronel do exército da Confederación e inda mantiña o grao e, con este, a compostura militar que sempre o acompañou.
Fonte: ESP (1890)
EN In costume, and in all the differences of texture and bearing that now mark off the sexes from each other, these people of the future were alike.
GL Na vestimenta, e en tódalas diferencias de textura e comportamento que agora distinguen ós sexos un doutro, esta xente do futuro era parecida.
Fonte: TEM (636)
punto de referencia
EN That bleak picture is symptomatic of a total loss of bearings in a world of contradictions and 'contamination' characterized by the disappearance of boundaries between objects, identities and values that have long been clearly distinct, such as masculine and feminine, the self and the other, the natural and the artificial.
GL Ese pesimismo revela ó seu xuízo unha perda total de puntos de referencia fronte a "un universo de contradiccións e de contaminación", caracterizado pola desaparición das fronteiras entre obxectos, identidades e valores que durante moito tempo estiveron claramente diferenciados, como o masculino e o feminino, o eu e o outro, o natural e o artificial.
Fonte: C01 (1137)
EN Displaced people and refugees have lost their bearings and must start anew with neighbours who may or may not share their cultural tradition and values.
GL Privados de referencias, eses refuxiados e desprazados tiveron que empezar de novo a canda veciños que non forzosamente compartían as súas tradicións e valores culturais.
Fonte: C06 (951)