transitive verb
PAST: beat. PART: beaten |
EN I beat the ground with my hands, and got up and sat down again, and wandered here and there, and again sat down.
GL Golpeei o chan coas mans, erguinme, sentei de novo e camiñei sen rumbo, aquí e acolá, e de novo sentei.
Fonte: TEM (1666)
EN This doctor was of a race which for nearly four hundred years had beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino's race, and frightened it too, so that the indigene came humbly to the door.
GL Aquel doutor era dunha raza que durante case catrocentos anos mallara, asoballara, roubara e desprezara a raza de Kino, aterrorizándoa de tal maneira que o indíxena sempre petaba á porta con humildade.
Fonte: PER (160)
Non confundir o significado de win, que é gañar algo, e beat que é gañar a alguén, superalo en resultados. EX: I won the competition > Gañei a competición. I always beat my brother in chess > Sempre lle gaño ao meu irmán no xadrez. |
EN They might cut his hair for him, plait him watch-chains, or interrupt him at his work, hailing him (she heard them), 'Come along, Mr Ramsay; it's our turn to beat them now,' and out he came to play tennis.
GL Deixáballes que lle cortasen o pelo, que lle trenzasen cadeas para o reloxo ou que interrompesen o seu traballo berrando (ela escoitáraas): «Veña, señor Ramsay, agora tócanos a nós gañar», e saía a xogar ó tenis.
Fonte: CAR (1522)
EN Was it fear or excitement that made his heart beat -- or just the memories that tune ushered in, for life had always quickened when Harry came, came just as he came now, as though nothing much had happened, nobody had been lowered into a grave or found with cut throat in a basement, came with his amused deprecating take-it-or-leave-it manner -- and of course one always took it.
GL O seu corazón latexaba fortemente... era de medo, ou de excitación... ou quizais foran os recordos que a melodía espertou nel; a vida sempre se aceleraba cando Harry aparecía, como agora, coma se nada sucedera, coma se non houbese xente na tumba, coma se non degolaran a ninguén; aparecía con esa actitude súa tan divertida e condescendente, despectiva, de tómame ou déixame... e, claro, un sempre o tomaba.
Fonte: TER (2041)
EN He beat his breast with his fist humbly, secretly under cover of the wooden armrest.
GL Petouse no peito co puño nun acto de humildade, en secreto, baixo a protección do encosto de madeira.
Fonte: RET (2899)
EN She beat the moss down impatiently, and muttered to herself sullenly.
GL Sacudía o lique con inquedanza, e fungaba anoxada.
Fonte: ESP (925)
EN Men would become as fond of their wives during the time of their pregnancy as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, their sows when they are ready to farrow; nor offer to beat or kick them (as is too frequent a practice) for fear of a miscarriage.
GL Os homes tomaríanlle tanto cariño ás súas mulleres durante o embarazo como llo teñen ás súas eguas e vacas preñes e ás porcas cando están a piques de parir; e non lles baterían nin lles darían patadas (porque é unha práctica moi frecuente) por medo a un aborto.
Fonte: PRO (47)
EN Passions beat about Simon on the mountain-top with awful wings.
GL As paixóns aletexaban ó redor de Simon con ás medorentas no cume da montaña.
Fonte: SEN (1966)
EN He was beaten (he knew that); but he was not broken.
GL Vencérano, xa o sabía; pero non se sentía derrotado.
Fonte: CHA (144)
EN On one side, the ecstasy of the French; on the other the grief of the Brazilians, whose team had been beaten 3-0.
GL Á alegría dos franceses oponse a pena dos brasileiros: o equipo de fútbol francés derrotou o de Brasil por 3 goles a 0.
Fonte: C14 (448)
..... to beat down
caer a espeto
EN And the sun beat down on the streets of the city and even tiny stones threw shadows on the ground.
GL O sol caía a espeto sobre as rúas da cidade e mesmo os pelouros máis pequenos lanzaban as súas sombras contra o chan.
Fonte: PER (762)
EN Behind the thudding beats, communities of DJs and dancers try to stay one step ahead of entertainment multinationals --and the law.
GL Tralos ritmos estrepitosos, disc-jockeys e bailaríns tratan de eludi-la lei e a voracidade das transnacionais.
Fonte: C15 (156)
EN Leading the line was a spear-wielding munggihigi, who punctuated the beat with spear thrusts and an occasional whoop echoed by the other participants.
GL Á cabeza, un mumbaki brandía a súa lanza regularmente, marcando a cadencia con clamores esporádicos, coreados por todos.
Fonte: C22 (464)