EN For notwithstanding education and circumstances may suffice to direct and form the rough material of the mind, it cannot create, nor give intellect, noble aspiration, and energetic constancy where dullness, wavering of purpose, and grovelling desires, are stamped by nature.
GL Aínda que a educación e as circunstancias poden dirixir e darlle forma ao substrato da mente, non poden crear nin dar intelixencia, aspiracións ou perseveranza ao que ten a estupidez, o servilismo e a veleidade impresos por natureza no seu carácter.
Fonte: DOD (90)
EN Didn't the bishops and priests sell the aspirations of their country in 1829 in return for catholic emancipation?
GL ¿Non foron os bispos e os cregos os que venderon as arelas do seu país, en 1829, a cambio da emancipación católica?
Fonte: RET (843)
EN Even in those jobs, an urban standard of living is still higher than the hard life in the countryside and better reflects the aspirations of modern Chinese youth.
GL O nivel de vida é sempre máis alto e a maneira de vivir corresponde mellor ás expectativas da xuventude.
Fonte: C30 (635)