EN An ox and an ass were yoked to a plough in a field; a little further on, two men with orange-brown felt hats were digging peat.
GL Tamén xunguían nun campo un boi e un asno a un arado e un pouquichiño máis alá, dous homes con chapeus de feltro castaño alaranxado estaban rozando.
Fonte: GAL (507)
EN "I was of course an ass," Marcher went on; "but I would rather know from you just the sort of ass I was than --from the moment you have something in your mind-- not know anything".
GL Era, por suposto, un imbécil --continuou Marcher-- pero, dado que vostede está a pensar en algo concreto, preferiría que me dixese exactamente qué tipo de imbécil era antes ca non saber nada.
Fonte: BES (73)
EN Anyway, I kept standing next to that crazy cannon, looking down at the game and freezing my ass off.
GL Con todo, eu seguía alí, do lado do canón, e co cu xeado.
Fonte: VIX (85)