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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- attentively, attenuated, attest, attestation, attic, attire, attired, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attractiveness, attribute, attrition, attuned, aubergine, auburn, auction


- transitive verb
- atraer

EN Their personality attracted her in an agreeable way.
GL A personalidade daqueles homes atraíana de xeito pracenteiro.
- Fonte: ESP (1907)
- avivar

EN The parlour fire would not draw that evening and Mr Dedalus rested the poker against the bars of the grate to attract the flame.
GL O lume do salón non quería arder esa noite e o señor Dédalus pousou o atizador contra das barras da lareira para reavivar a chama.
- Fonte: RET (1411)
- engaiolar

EN The excessive physical charm of the Creole had first attracted her, for Edna had a sensuous susceptibility to beauty.
GL O enorme encanto físico daquela muller crioula foi a primeira cousa que a engaiolou, pois Edna posuía certa sensibilidade instintiva para a beleza.
- Fonte: ESP (323)
- captar

EN The appearance of Rip, with his long grizzled beard, his rusty fowling-piece, his uncouth dress, and an army of women and children at his heels, soon attracted the attention of the tavern politicians.
GL O aspecto de Rip, con aquela barba longa e encanecida, o mosquete enferruxado, a roupa tan descoidada e o exército de mulleres e nenos que se acumularan ás súas costas, captou axiña a atención dos políticos da taberna.
- Fonte: RIP (156)
- conquistar

EN But at the same time, they wanted to attract younger readers.
GL E, ó mesmo tempo, conviña tratar de conquista-la xuventude.
- Fonte: C09 (1426)
- interesar

EN To attract the younger generation, TRT introduced popular feature films, classical music and soap operas produced by Indian television channels as well as Tamil pop and rap music.
GL Para interesa-la xuventude, a TRT introduciu na súa programación películas populares, seriais producidos pola televisión india, música pop e rap támil.
- Fonte: C19 (298)
.....--- to attract attention
- chamar a atención

EN 'Don't you think you would attract attention?'
GL Non cre que habían chama-la atención?
- Fonte: TEM (107)