EN "I beg your pardon," offered Edna, in some embarrassment, for she should have remembered that Mademoiselle Reisz's avoidance of the water had furnished a theme for much pleasantry.
GL -- Rógolle me perdoe -- desculpouse Edna, algo violenta porque non deberá esquece-la prevención á auga de Mademoiselle Reisz e que dera lugar a moitas bromas.
Fonte: ESP (1309)
EN He had asked her that in the past often enough; they had, with the odd irregular rhythm of their intensities and avoidances, exchanged ideas about it and then had seen the ideas washed away by cool intervals, washed like figures traced in sea-sand.
GL Tíñalle preguntado aquilo con frecuencia no pasado; intercambiaran ideas, co estraño e irregular ritmo das súas intensidades e evasións, e despois viran como os intervalos de calma borraban esas ideas igual ca figuras trazadas na area.
Fonte: BES (489)
EN There was a slight, furtive boy whom no one knew, who kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy.
GL Había tamén un rapaz fraco e esquivo que ninguén coñecía, pechado en si mesmo, mergullado no afastamento e no segredo.
Fonte: SEN (448)