transitive verb
Pret: awoke/awaked. Part: awoken/awaked |
EN He was observed, at first, to vary on some points every time he told it, which was, doubtless, owing to his having so recently awaked.
GL Ó principio notábase que cada vez que a relataba variaba algunhas das pasaxes, seguramente debido a que aínda había moi pouco que espertara.
Fonte: RIP (229)
EN And then Kino awakened, with the evil music pulsing in him, and he lay in the darkness with his ears alert.
GL E entón tamén Kino acordou coa música do mal latexando dentro del e continuou deitado na escuridade cos oídos alerta.
Fonte: PER (622)
EN She was still awake in the morning, when Celestine unlocked the kitchen door and came in to light the fire.
GL Inda seguía esperta pola mañá, cando Célestine abriu a porta da cociña e entrou para face-lo lume.
Fonte: ESP (3222)