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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- avow, avowal, await, awake, awakening, award, awardee, aware, awareness, away, awe, awesome, awesomely, awful, awfully, awhile, awkward, awkwardly, awkwardness


- adverb
- a

EN The fog, sinking into the valley, had reached southward, swallowing up ranch after ranch, until it had blotted out the town of St. Helena, nine miles away.
GL A néboa, no seu descenso ata o val, estendérase cara ao sur, devorando rancho tras rancho, ata que borrou do mapa a cidade de Santa Helena, que estaba a uns trece quilómetros.
- Fonte: HAL (128)
- fóra

EN The priest may be away and his old servant, rather than give up the keys, will turn a deaf ear to your entreaties and finally send you in search of the sacristan.
GL O abade quizais estea fóra e a súa criada vella, en troques de da-la chave, pode facer oídos xordos ós rogos e envia-lo visitante en procura do sancristán.
- Fonte: GAL (1285)
- lonxe

EN He never consciously changed his position in bed, sat in the most uncomfortable positions, suffered patiently every itch and pain, kept away from the fire, remained on his knees all through the mass except at the gospels, left part of his neck and face undried so that air might sting them and, whenever he was not saying his beads, carried his arms stiffly at his sides like a runner and never in his pockets or clasped behind him.
GL Nunca mudaba conscientemente a posición no leito, sufría con paciencia comechóns e dores, sentaba nas posicións máis incómodas, mantíñase lonxe da lareira, ficaba de xeonllos toda a misa agás nos evanxeos, deixaba parte da face e do pescozo sen secar para que se lle cortasen co aire e, cando non ía pregando o rosario, mantiña os brazos ríxidos, a ambas as beiras, cal se fose un corredor e nunca levaba as mans aos petos nin as botaba ás costas.
- Fonte: RET (3067)
- afastado

EN If you've lived away from it," she smiled, "so much the better".
GL Se viviu afastado daquilo --sorriu-- , tanto mellor.
- Fonte: BES (69)
.....--- straight away
- directamente

EN Lime could pay for the taxi when he arrived, so Martins drove straight away to the building lying in the third (British) zone.
GL Lime pagaría o taxi cando chegaran, seguro. Martins, moi decidido, colleu e foi directamente ao edificio, que estaba na zona 3, a británica.
- Fonte: TER (112)
- axiña

EN If this isn't an island we might be rescued straight away.
GL Se isto non é unha illa, han poder rescatarnos axiña.
- Fonte: SEN (516)
.....--- to go away
- marchar

EN I wouldn't go away from here without having seen that old castle.
GL Non marcharía de aquí sen ve-lo tal castelo.
- Fonte: DAI (238)
- saír

EN The two women went away one morning to the beach together, arm in arm, under the huge white sunshade.
GL As dúas mulleres saíron unha mañá xuntas cara á praia, collidas do brazo, baixo o enorme parasol branco.
- Fonte: ESP (326)
.....--- to turn away
- dar a volta

EN Now he had turned away again.
GL Agora daba a volta outra vez.
- Fonte: CAR (521)
.....--- to look away
- ollar para o outro lado

EN Juana sensed his excitement, and she pretended to look away.
GL Juana percibiu a excitación de Kino e finxiu ollar para outro lado.
- Fonte: PER (297)
.....--- to right away
- inmediatamente

EN But not right away; there was no hurry, Aleck said.
GL Pero non inmediatamente, posto que non había présa ningunha, segundo Aleck.
- Fonte: LEG (369)
.....--- to rush away
- fuxir a toda présa

EN The grandmother of the boy, Cumhal's mother, stood watching on the shore, and said to herself as she saw this: "He is my grandson, the true son of my own child," and seizing the boy, she rushed away with him, and vanished, before the king's people could stop her.
GL A avoa do rapaz, a nai de Cumhal, permaneceu na beira mirando e mentres vía o sucedido dixo para si: --É o meu neto, o verdadeiro fillo do meu fillo. Colleu o rapaz e fuxiu con el a toda présa, desaparecendo antes de que os homes do rei a puidesen deter.
- Fonte: BIR (13)
.....--- to get away
- escapar

EN And you cannot move at all in Time, you cannot get away from the present moment.
GL E un non pode moverse en absoluto no tempo, un non pode escapar do momento presente.
- Fonte: TEM (74)