EN Had he not always lurched rather awkwardly past the drawing-room window with some newspaper under his arm, trying to avoid Mrs Ramsay whom for some reason he did not much like?
GL ¿Non pasaba sempre xunta a ventá da sala cambaleando torpemente cun xornal debaixo do brazo, tentando evitar á señora Ramsay, pola que, por algunha razón, non sentía moita simpatía?
Fonte: CAR (3126)
con torpeza
EN During these halts Stephen stood awkwardly behind the two men, weary of the subject and waiting restlessly for the slow march to begin again.
GL Durante estas detencións Stephen ficaba con torpeza detrás dos dous homes, canso do tema e agardando con ansia a que a lenta marcha comezase outra vez.
Fonte: RET (1866)
EN He was really almost reaching out in imagination -- as against time -- for something that would do, and saying to himself that if it didn't come this sketch of a fresh start would show for quite awkwardly bungled.
GL Estaba facendo un verdadeiro esforzo de imaxinación, buscando -- contra o reloxo -- algo que funcionase e pensando para si que se non se lle ocorría, este novo incidente quedaría simple e un tanto incomodamente concluído.
Fonte: BES (51)