EN He was an awful prig --oh yes, an insufferable bore.
GL Era un completo pedante, abofé que si, e un inaturable prosmeiro.
Fonte: CAR (114)
horrible, · horríbel
EN She looked awful and I loved her.
GL Tiña un aspecto horrible, pero eu amábaa.
Fonte: TER (2184)
EN There, by reason of the great number of the damned, the prisoners are heaped together in their awful prison, the walls of which are said to be four thousand miles thick: and the damned are so utterly bound and helpless that, as a blessed saint, saint Anselm, writes in his book on similitudes, they are not even able to remove from the eye a worm that gnaws it.
GL Alí, por causa do gran número de condenados, os prisioneiros amoréanse na súa arrepiante prisión, os muros da cal, ao ben visto, teñen un grosor de catro mil millas; e os condenados están tan suxeitos e tan inermes que, como di o beato santo Anselmo no seu libro sobre similitudes, nin sequera son quen de afastar do ollo o verme que anda a roelo.
Fonte: RET (2437)
EN But. even you can't quite imagine what it was like -- that awful day in New York.
GL Pero nin sequera vostede pode imaxina-lo que sufrimos aquel aciago día en Nova York.
Fonte: ASA (6056)
desagradable, · desagradábel
EN There was something awful in this solitary monument of woe.
GL Había algo desagradable naquel solitario monumento á dor.
Fonte: EXP (38)
EN o frightful was the situation -- the mysterious light burned with so silent and awful a menace; the noxious plants, the trees that by common consent are invested with a melancholy or baleful character, so openly in his sight conspired against his peace; from overhead and all about came so audible and startling whispers and the sighs of creatures so obviously not of earth -- that he could endure it no longer, and with a great effort to break some malign spell that bound his faculties to silence and inaction, he shouted with the full strength of his lungs!
GL Tan arrepiante era a situación -- a misteriosa luz que se consumía constituíndo unha ameaza tan silenciosa e horrenda; as velenosas plantas e as árbores que de mutuo acordo se investían dunha natureza sinistra ou melancólica, conspiraban tan abertamente contra a súa paz ante os seus ollos; de riba del e de todas as partes chegaban murmurios tan audibles e estarrecedores, e suspiros emitidos por criaturas tan claramente sobrenaturais -- que xa non puido soportala máis e, cun grande esforzo para romper algún meigallo maligno que estaba a cinguir as súas facultades ao silencio e á inactividade...berrou con todas as forzas dos seus pulmóns!
Fonte: HAL (42)
EN "Some of these fables are really awful," observed Alice Vane, who had occasionally shuddered, as well as smiled, while her cousin spoke.
GL -- Algunhas desas fábulas son realmente atroces -- observou Alice Vane, que tremera ocasionalmente tanto como sorrira mentres o seu curmán falaba -- .
Fonte: EDW (47)
EN As this awful conviction forced itself, thus, into the innermost chambers of my soul, I once again struggled to cry aloud.
GL Cando esta espantosa convicción se abriu paso con forza ata o recuncho máis íntimo da miña alma, tentei berrar de novo.
Fonte: BUR (227)
terrible, · terríbel
EN I cannot describe how it relieved me to think that it had escaped the awful fate to which it seemed destined.
GL Non podo describi-lo moito que me aliviou pensar que conseguira escapar do terrible destino ó que parecía estar conxurada.
Fonte: TEM (1672)
EN 'Do you work every night?' I asked her -- it sounded sort of awful, after I'd said it.
GL -¿Traballas tódalas noites? -Aquilo soou arrepiante, despois que o dixen.
Fonte: VIX (3145)