EN And his habit of talking aloud, or saying poetry aloud, was growing on him, she was afraid; for sometimes it was awkward -- Best and brightest, come away! poor Miss Giddings, when he shouted that at her, almost jumped out of her skin.
GL E o seu costume de falar só, ou de recitar poesía en voz alta, ía a máis, temía ela; pois ás veces resultaba violento: ¡A mellor e a máis brillante, ven comigo! a pobre señorita Giddings, cando lle berrara aquilo, case morrera do susto.
Fonte: CAR (1014)
EN She made an awkward, imperious little bow as she went in.
GL Fixo unha pequena reverencia, torpe e arrogante, ó entrar.
Fonte: ESP (616)
EN Five o'clock in the morning is an awkward time to board a train.
GL As cinco da mañá é unha hora un tanto incómoda para coller un tren.
Fonte: ASA (106)
EN The tent was rolled into an awkward bundle three times as large as it should have been.
GL Ó envolve-la tenda transformárona nun bulto informe tres veces máis grande do que debía ser.
Fonte: CHA (872)