transitive verb
EN Then, resting his forehead against his hand, he leaned towards the grating and, with eyes still averted, spoke slowly.
GL Entón, acougando na man a fronte, apoiouse na reixa e, cos ollos aínda afastados, falou de vagar.
Fonte: RET (2966)
EN Not for the world would she have spoken to him, realizing, from the familiar signs, his eyes averted, and some curious gathering together of his person, as if he wrapped himself about and needed privacy into which to regain his equilibrium, that he was outraged and anguished.
GL Por nada do mundo lle dirixiría a palabra, decatándose, por certos signos familiares, os ollos desviados e un curioso encollemento en toda a súa persoa, coma se se arroupase a si mesmo procurando a intimidade que lle permitise recupera-lo equilibrio, de que se sentía aldraxado e angustiado.
Fonte: CAR (347)
EN You have saved the honour of the French Army --you have averted much bloodshed!
GL Vostede salvou o honor do Exército Francés... evitou un baño de sangue.
Fonte: ASA (20)
EN It yet somehow presented itself, this show, as too good to be spoiled; so that they were reduced for a few minutes more to wondering a little helplessly why --since they seemed to know a certain number of the same people-- their reunion had been so long averted.
GL Con todo, esta situación presentábaselles, dalgún xeito, demasiado boa para estragala; de modo que se limitaron, durante uns minutos máis, a preguntarse con algo de impotencia por qué --dado que parecían coñecer algunha da mesma xente-- o seu reencontro se adiara tanto.
Fonte: BES (44)
EN "O wise son of Abu Ayub," said he, "well didst thou predict dangers to me from this captive beauty: tell me then, thou who art so quick at foreseeing peril, what I should do to averts it".
GL --Oh, sabio fillo de Abu Aiub! --díxolle-- . Ben me agoiráche-los perigos que para min traía esta cativa beldade; dime entón, ti que es tan agudo para adiviñáre-lo perigo, qué teño de facer para o arredar.
Fonte: ALH (236)
EN This transformation, better known as the Green Revolution, helped to double rice production in Asia between 1967 and 1992, averting famine in many countries.
GL Esta mutación que se chamou "revolución verde", contribuíu a que de 1967 a 1992 a producción de arroz en Asia se duplicase e a previr así a fame.
Fonte: C29 (1361)