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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- Burma, Burmese, burn, burner, burning, burnished, burnt-out, burr, burrito, burrow, bursar, burst, bursting, bury, bus, bush, bushel, bushy, busily


- noun
- cova

EN It was only then, Martins told me, when the man used the word "rabbit", that the dead Harry Lime came alive, became the boy with the gun which he had shown Martins the means of "borrowing"; a boy starting up among the long sandy burrows of Brickworth Common saying, "Shoot, you fool, shoot!".
GL Martins contoume que, xusto cando o home pronunciou a palabra "coello", veulle á mente o defunto Harry Lime de rapaz, coa escopeta, a ensinarlle o significado do termo "pedir prestado"... se cadra, para non devolver..., o rapaz que aparecera de súpeto nas fondas covas dos areais de Brickworth Common a gritarlle: "Tira, idiota, Tira!'.
- Fonte: TER (136)
- tobeira

EN In my excitement I fancied that they would receive my invasion of their burrows as a declaration of war.
GL Na miña excitación imaxinaba que interpretaran a miña invasión das súas tobeiras como unha declaración de guerra.
- Fonte: TEM (1305)
- toqueira

EN Beating rhythmically on these wooden shields, menfolk dance through the rice fields to drive away evil spirits and rats, which eat crops and dig burrows, causing seepage and erosion.
GL Estes escudos de madeira, golpeados con paos, ritman a danza do Patipat, que expulsa dos arrozais os espíritos malignos e as ratas que estragan as colleitas e desfán os socalcos ó fura-las súas toqueiras.
- Fonte: C22 (460)

- intransitive verb
- remexer

EN Triumphantly she hauled a large handbag into view and proceeded to burrow in its interior.
GL Apañou con xesto triunfal un enorme bolso de man e comezou a remexer no seu interior.
- Fonte: ASA (2237)
- enredar

EN She was black and pink; and the great bladder of her belly was fringed with a row of piglets that slept or burrowed and squeaked.
GL Era negra e rosada; tiña os tetos inchados e gornecidos por unha rea de bacoriños que durmían, enredaban e gruñían.
- Fonte: SEN (4017)

- transitive verb
- cavar

EN Millions of miners have come to dig gold from the mines which burrow deep into the earth, and many other migrants have tilled and coaxed fruit from the soil in South Africa's northern provinces.
GL Millóns de persoas viñeron cavar nas minas de ouro ou traballa-la terra nas provincias do Norte.
- Fonte: C13 (241)