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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- bursar, burst, bursting, bury, bus, bush, bushel, bushy, busily, business, businesslike, businessman, businesswoman, buskins, bust, bustle, bustling, busy, but


- noun
- negocio

EN There are, indeed, many hotels; for the entertainment of tourists is the business of the place, which, as many travellers will remember, is seated upon the edge of a remarkably blue lake --a lake that it behoves every tourist to visit.
GL Haber, en efecto, hai moitos hoteis pois os turistas son o principal negocio desta localidade que, como lembrarán moitos viaxeiros, descansa á beira dun lago extraordinariamente azulado, un lago que engaiola a todo aquel que o visita.
- Fonte: DAI (4)
- asunto

EN It was my intention to remain here some days, but I have received a telegram recalling me to England on important business.
GL Tiña a intención de permanecer aquí uns días, mais recibín un telegrama no que reclaman a miña presencia en Inglaterra por mor dun asunto importante.
- Fonte: ASA (289)
- traballo

EN It was most of all perhaps in the way she came to him as if, since she had been turned on to deal with the simpler sort, he might, should he choose to keep the whole thing down, just take her mild attention for a part of her general business.
GL Érao principalmente, quizais, o xeito en que ela se achegou a el, de maneira que, encargada como estaba de tratar cos máis ignorantes, el puidese, se decidise desentenderse do asunto, interpretar aquela lixeira atención simplemente como parte do seu traballo en xeral.
- Fonte: BES (23)
- oficio

EN My mother removed her studio to a wing of the factory building and my duties in connection with the business ceased; I was no longer required to dispose of the bodies of the small superfluous, and there was no need of alluring dogs to their doom, for my father discarded them altogether, though they still had an honorable place in the name of the oil.
GL Miña nai trasladou o gabinete a unha ala do edificio da fábrica, e as miñas obrigas en relación co oficio cesaron; xa non me requirían para que me desfixese dos corpos dos pequenos superfluos, e non había necesidade de atraer cans á súa condenación, pois meu pai renunciou a eles por completo, por máis que aínda ocupaban un honroso lugar no nome do aceite.
- Fonte: OIL (89)
- cuestión

EN "Now, Cap'n Smollett," remonstrated Silver, "dooty is dooty, as I knows, and none better; but we're off dooty now; and I can't see no call to keep up the morality business".
GL --Ben, Capitán Smollet -protestou Silver- o deber é o deber, como eu ben sei, e ninguén mellor ca min; pero agora non estamos de servicio, e non vexo por qué temos que seguir agora coa cuestión moral.
- Fonte: FAB (8)
- ocupación

EN And so then, she concluded, addressing herself by bending silently in his direction to William Bankes -- poor man! who had no wife and no children, and dined alone in lodgings except for tonight; and in pity for him, life being now strong enough to bear her on again, she began all this business, as a sailor not without weariness sees the wind fill his sail and yet hardly wants to be off again and thinks how, had the ship sunk, he would have whirled round and round and found rest on the floor of the sea.
GL E, daquela, inclinándose en silencio cara a William Bankes, concluíu: ¡malpocado!, que non ten muller nin fillos e sempre ten que cear el só nas pousadas, agás esta noite; e compadecéndose del, agora que a vida recuperara forza dabondo para seguir empurrándoa, volveu ás súas ocupacións, coma un mariñeiro que ve, non sen cansazo, como o vento enche a súa vela aínda que el non ten moitas ganas de partir outra vez, e pensa que, se o barco afundise, había caer dando voltas e voltas e había atopar acougo no fondo do mar.
- Fonte: CAR (235)
- empresa

EN To stay out of trouble, businesses avoid advertising on stations with a reputation of being hostile to the government.
GL Por temor a represalias, as empresas evitan transmiti-los seus anuncios polas ondas consideradas hostís ás autoridades.
- Fonte: C26 (1324)
- oficio

EN The site, home to 500 families, includes a rudimentary health dispensary, a few workshops, tiny factories, small stores, a clutch of hairdressers, ramshackle places to eat, market gardens and a host of other small businesses.
GL Alberga unhas 500 familias e abrangue un dispensario rudimentario, algúns talleres, pequenas fábricas e negocios, varios peiteadores, restaurantes baratos, hortas e unha cantidade de oficios menores.
- Fonte: C29 (559)
.....--- to be none of one's business
- non ser cousa de alguén

EN It was none of their business. Their business was to toil, and toil mightily, in the traces.
GL Non era cousa súa- o seu era traballar con eficacia no camiño.
- Fonte: CHA (704)
- non ir con alguén

EN 'He was run over by a car,' the man said. 'Last Thursday,' He added sullenly, as if really this were none of his business, 'They're burying him this afternoon'.
GL O home contestara: --Atropelouno un coche o xoves pasado --e logo engadiu, como se a cousa non fose con el-- : Entérrano esta tarde.
- Fonte: TER (128)
- non importar

EN 'It was way too short.' 'None of your business,' she said. She can be very snotty sometimes.
GL --Demasiado curto. --Non che importa. --Ás veces ponse moi borde--.
- Fonte: VIX (5459)