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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- busily, business, businesslike, businessman, businesswoman, buskins, bust, bustle, bustling, busy, but, butcher, butler, butt, butter, buttercup, butterfly, button, buttonhole


- adjective
- atarefado

EN After a time he would hang stealthily about the places where she was -- roaming under the window where she sat writing letters or talking, for she would take care to be busy when he passed, and evade him, and pretend not to see him.
GL Despois dun pedazo, el ía tras dela silandeiro: zanfoneando xunta a ventá onde ela estaba sentada a escribir cartas ou a falar, pois encargábase de estar ben atarefada cando el pasaba para eludilo e finxir que non o vía.
- Fonte: CAR (3228)
- ocupado

EN I suppose there's no use telling you I've been very busy, or that I've been sick, or that I've been to see you and not found you at home.
GL Supoño que non serve de nada dicirlle que estiven moi ocupado, ou enfermo, ou que a fun ver pero non a atopei na casa.
- Fonte: ESP (2985)
- bulicioso

EN It has a busy life, yet it seems peculiarly a city of pleasure.
GL Ten unha vida buliciosa, pero parece principalmente unha cidade de pracer.
- Fonte: GAL (588)
- concorrido

EN I didn't think he'd want to be seen for a while in a busy British bar full of transit officers and their wives.
GL Supuxen que non querería ir a un concorrido bar británico cheo de oficiais de paso coas súas mulleres.
- Fonte: TER (186)
- transitado

EN Meanwhile, on a corner of Santiago's busy Avenida Providencia, a street vendor asks his assistant to fetch some more Harry Potter books.
GL Entre tanto, nun recanto da transitada avenida Providencia un vendedor ambulante pídelle á súa compañeira que lle traia máis exemplares de Harry Potter.
- Fonte: C07 (1239)
- activo

EN In 1952 Jacques Cousteau led the first underwater archaeological expedition off Marseilles, which was a very busy Mediterranean port in Roman times.
GL A primeira exploración submarina obra do comandante Jacques-Yves Cousteau, data de 1952 e levouse a cabo preto de Marsella, porto sumamente activo do Mediterráneo romano.
- Fonte: C24 (1131)

- transitive verb
- ocupar

EN There is, of course, no question of Kusumlal's daughter even going to school and learning about the great wide world since a girl child is expected from an early age to busy herself with household work instead.
GL A ninguén se lle ocorreu manda-la filla de Kusumlal á escola, xa que o único que se agarda dunha nena é que se ocupe canto antes dos labores domésticos.
- Fonte: C04 (702)