visible, · visíbel
EN The uniform would be left in a conspicuous place so us to show clearly just how the trick had been played.
GL Terían deixado o uniforme nun lugar ben visible para amosar con claridade cómo se levou a cabo o crime.
Fonte: ASA (5022)
EN Certainly, if that were all, the merit would not be very conspicuous.
GL Certamente, se isto fose todo, o mérito non sería moi conspicuo.
Fonte: LET (631)
notable, · notábel
EN His most conspicuous trait was an ability to scent the wind and forecast it a night in advance.
GL Pero a súa habilidade máis notable era a de prever, cunha noite de anticipación, de qué lado sopraría o vento.
Fonte: CHA (353)