EN You have at least the consolation of knowing that you were always the most generous and forgiving of brothers.
GL Polo menos quédalle o consolo a vostede de saber que sempre foi o máis xeneroso e caritativo dos irmáns.
Fonte: ERN (963)
EN While the subtle escribano was thus amusing himself at the expense of the governor, he was conducting the trial of the corporal, who, mewed up in a narrow dungeon of the prison, had merely a small grated window at which to show his iron-bound visage and receive the consolations of his friends.
GL Entrementres, o astuto escribán estaba a se divertir por conta do gobernador, levaba a causa do cabo que, encurralado nun angosto calabozo da prisión, tiña tan só un ventanuco enreixado por onde amosa-lo seu rostro enmarcado de ferro e recibi-los confortos dos amigos.
Fonte: ALH (47)