EN I have even talked with Rip Van Winkle myself, who, when last I saw him, was a very venerable old man, and so perfectly rational and consistent on every other point, that I think no conscientious person could refuse to take this into the bargain; nay, I have seen a certificate on the subject taken before a country justice and signed with a cross, in the justice's own handwriting.
GL Eu mesmo falei con Rip Van Winkle, que, a derradeira vez que o vin, era un vello digno de todo respecto que razoaba con tal perfección e que era tan coherente en tódalas súas afirmacións, que penso que ningunha persoa sensata habería dubidar de que todo aquilo ocorreu realmente. Ademais, eu vin un certificado sobre o asunto levado ante o xulgado, e asinado cunha cruz, co puño e letra do propio xuíz.
Fonte: RIP (237)
EN Many of those who give themselves up to the study of languages do so under the same disease which I have described; and, if they do not carry it on to the same extremity of wretchedness, it is because they are not so logical, and so consistent in their madness, as I was.
GL Moitos dos que se dedican ó estudio das linguas fano baixo a mesma enfermidade que describín. E se non a levan ata o mesmo extremo de desgracia é porque non son tan lóxicos e tan consistentes na súa tolemia coma o eu era.
Fonte: LET (281)
compatible, · compatíbel
EN According to experts, it is a classic case of too many players entering too late, with too few resources but in many cases with a huge stock of vested interests that are not necessarily consistent with environmental protection.
GL Segundo algúns expertos, é o caso típico de excesivos actores que interveñen moi tarde con recursos demasiado escasos e con enormes intereses non sempre compatibles coa protección ambiental.
Fonte: C10 (763)
EN I consider my consistent involvement in various campaigns over the last 20 years and acceptance by different networks of grassroots organizations and movements, both Sinhala and Tamil, as itself a major achievement.
GL A miña participación constante en varias campañas nos últimos vinte anos e o apoio que logre de organizacións e movementos de base, tanto cingaleses como támiles, son unha realización importante de seu.
Fonte: C18 (1358)