transitive verb
EN His own mission, to her sense, apparently, was to consign her to the hands of Mr Giovanelli; but Winterbourne, at once annoyed and gratified, resolved that he would do no such thing.
GL Aparentemente, a misión de el, no sentir dela, era entregala ás mans de Mr Giovanelli; mais Winterbourne, anoxado e gratificado a un tempo, decidiu que non ía facer tal cousa.
Fonte: DAI (864)
EN Old Monsieur Farival, grandfather of the twins, grew indignant over the interruption, and insisted upon having the bird removed and consigned to regions of darkness.
GL O vello Monsieur Farival, avó das xemelgas, indignouse pola interrupción, e insistiu en traslada-lo paxaro e confinalo nas tebras.
Fonte: ESP (579)
EN The unfortunate whose first attack should be of the extreme character which is occasionally seen, would almost inevitably be consigned alive to the tomb.
GL O desafortunado que tivese un primeiro ataque de carácter grave, cousa que ocorre ás veces, sería enviado vivo ó nicho de xeito case irremediable.
Fonte: BUR (128)