transitive verb
EN "Considering what the danger is," May Bartram wound up, "I'm bound to say I don't think your attitude could well be surpassed".
GL Considerando cal é o perigo --rematou May Bartram--, debo dicir que non creo que a túa actitude poida ser superada.
Fonte: BES (357)
EN For a moment he considered and then he worked among the shadows until he came to the house of Juan Tomás, his brother, and he slipped into the doorway and drew Juana after him.
GL Reflexionou un momento e foi indo entre as sombras ata que chegou á casa de Juan Tomás, o seu irmán. Entrou no limiar e Juana detrás súa.
Fonte: PER (1134)
EN And so she said, 'Yes; all children go through stages,' and began considering the dahlias in the big bed, and wondering what about next year's flowers, and had he heard the children's nickname for Charles Tansley, she asked.
GL Así que lle contestou: «Si, tódolos nenos pasan por esas etapas», e comezou a reparar nas dalias do macizo grande e a preguntarse que ía facer coas flores do ano seguinte; ¿escoitara el o alcume que lle puxeran os nenos a Charles Tansley?, preguntoulle.
Fonte: CAR (901)
EN Theologians consider that it was the sin of pride, the sinful thought conceived in an instant: non serviam: I will not serve.
GL Os teólogos coidan que foi o pecado de orgullo, o pensamento pecaminoso concibido nun instante: non serviam: non servirei.
Fonte: RET (2401)
EN Arbuthnot considered for a moment or two.
GL Arbuthnot cavilou un momento.
Fonte: ASA (3041)
ter en conta
EN Such was the formidable rival with whom Ichabod Crane had to contend, and, considering all things, a stouter man than he would have shrunk from the competition, and a wiser man would have despaired.
GL Este era o perigoso rival co que tiña que enfrontarse Ichabod Crane, e, tendo en conta todo isto, calquera outro home máis robusto ca el xa se retiraría da competición, e calquera outro máis intelixente estaría desesperado.
Fonte: LEN (117)
EN I went into a park, and sat down to try to think it out, and to consider what I had best do.
GL Así que me metín nun parque e sentei para tratar de descubrilo e meditar sobre qué era o mellor que podía facer.
Fonte: BIL (107)
EN Roger did not consider his escape, but looked from the nuts to Henry and back again.
GL Roger nin pensou en arredarse do perigo e quedou alí mirando primeiro os cocos, logo a Henry e despois outra vez os cocos.
Fonte: SEN (1657)
EN In desperate need, he considered that, since water usually flowed at this place, that it must come from a source under the ground.
GL Desesperado pola necesidade que tiña dela, deu en matinar e pensou que se nese lugar a auga xurdía normalmente, tiña que vir dunha fonte ou dun río subterráneo.
Fonte: TAN (10)