EN They had just finished their breakfast, and the sight of the remains of it almost overpowered me.
GL Acababan de remata-lo seu xantar e, ó ve-las súas sobras case quedei pampo.
Fonte: BIL (18)
a piques de
EN He stumbled towards the window, groaning and almost fainting with sickness.
GL Zoupou cara á fiestra, saloucando, a piques de desfalecer.
Fonte: RET (2785)
case que
EN His gray beard descended to his girdle, and he had every mark of extreme age, yet he had travelled almost the whole way from Egypt on foot, with no other aid than a staff, marked with hieroglyphics.
GL Baixáballe a barba cana ata a cinta, e tiña tódolos sinais da idade moi avanzada, aínda que fixera a andar case que todo o camiño dende Exipto, con ningunha outra axuda máis que un bordón gravado con xeroglíficos.
Fonte: ALH (92)
preto de
EN There was James wide awake and Cam sitting bolt upright, and Mildred out of bed in her bare feet, and it was almost eleven and they were all talking.
GL James estaba completamente esperto, Cam sentada moi ergueita no leito, e Mildred fóra da cama cos pés descalzos, e xa eran preto das once e todos estaban a falar.
Fonte: CAR (1765)