EN His flesh shrank together as it felt the approach of the ravenous tongues of flames, dried up as it felt about it the swirl of stifling air.
GL A carne encolléuselle como se sentise o achegamento das famentas linguas de lume, secóuselle como se sentise ao redor súa o remuíño de aire abafante.
Fonte: RET (2520)
EN Thus he had foes on every side; and as Granada is surrounded by wild and craggy mountains, which hide the approach of an enemy, the unfortunate Aben Habuz was kept in a constant state of vigilance and alarm, not knowing in what quarter hostilities might break out.
GL De maneira que tiña inimigos por xalundes, e como Granada ten ó seu redor montañas ásperas e esgrevias que agachan a aproximación dun inimigo calquera, o malpocado Aben Habuz ficaba nun estado de vixilancia e alarma constantes, sen saber de que banda podían estoura-las hostilidades.
Fonte: ALH (87)
EN The Galileo programme works closely with school principals and the local school boards, and allows teachers to take time off to chart out new approaches.
GL O programa Galileo colabora a fondo cos directores de escola e os consellos escolares, e permítelles ós profesores dispoñer de tempo para prepararen novos enfoques.
Fonte: C07 (858)
EN Research and experience have provided us with considerable insight into the nature of literacy acquisition, yet outmoded teaching and learning approaches prevail.
GL A investigación e a experiencia acumulada permitiunos entender mellor os mecanismos de adquisición das primeiras letras; sen embargo persisten os métodos anticuados de ensino e aprendizaxe.
Fonte: C05 (787)
EN This sometimes produces audiences addicted to certain editorial approaches which sacrifice accuracy to newsiness.
GL Xera ás veces públicos "adictos" a determinadas liñas editoriais que confunden a realidade coa noticia.
Fonte: C02 (964)
EN Behind this approach lies the idea that technological innovation and the market's creative capacity will provide solutions in time.
GL Esta iniciativa inspírase na idea de que a innovación tecnolóxica e a capacidade creadora do mercado brindarán solucións oportunamente.
Fonte: C06 (810)
EN A more creative approach has been to assign property rights to users and then allow them to trade those rights.
GL Outra solución, máis orixinal, consiste en outorgarlles dereitos de propiedade ós usuarios e instalar mercados de auga.
Fonte: C04 (147)
intransitive verb
EN They started away, and then I could feel them approaching me again.
GL Afastáronse bruscamente; e, entón, puiden sentir como se achegaban cara a min de novo.
Fonte: TEM (1208)
EN As one approaches the ancient town of Santa María de Ortigueira the villages are roofed with both slate and brown-red tiles, but at Ortigueira and further south, that is, in the province of La Coruña, the red tiles prevail.
GL Cando un se aproxima á vella vila de Santa Marta de Ortigueira, as casas aparecen teitadas tanto con lousa coma con tella parda avermellada, pero en Ortigueira e máis ó sur, é dicir, na provincia da Coruña, prevalece a tella vermella.
Fonte: GAL (539)
EN As he approached the stream his heart began to thump; he summoned up, however, all his resolution, gave his horse half a score of kicks in the ribs, and attempted to dash briskly across the bridge; but instead of starting forward, the perverse old animal made a lateral movement, and ran broadside against the fence.
GL Segundo se chegaba ó arroio, o corazón íalle latexando cada vez máis forte. Sen embargo, armouse de valor, deulle unha serie de golpes nas costelas ó seu cabalo e tentou cruza-la ponte o máis rápido posible. Pero no canto de avanzar cara a adiante, o vello e desobediente animal fixo un movemento lateral e dirixiuse contra a varanda.
Fonte: LEN (268)
EN It was on that occasion that a well-dressed woman in her early 40s approached him offering the traditional kadha (white scarf) and chhurpi (dried cheese).
GL Unha muller duns corenta anos, ben vestida, acercóuselle para facerlle entrega dos agasallos tradicionais: a kadha (un pano branco) e o chhurpi (queixo seco).
Fonte: C19 (567)
EN Whenever the country was threatened with invasion, the ram would turn in the direction of the enemy, and the cock would crow; upon this the inhabitants of the city knew of the danger, and of the quarter from which it was approaching, and could take timely means to guard against it.
GL Sempre que o país era ameazado de invasión, o carneiro xiraba na dirección do inimigo e o galo cantaba; por cousa disto os habitantes da cidade sabían do perigo e mais do sitio dende o que se acaroaba, e podían tomar a conxeito as medidas para se gardaren del.
Fonte: ALH (105)
EN One of the restaurant attendants came through the door at the end and approached them.
GL Un dos encargados do restaurante entrou pola porta do fondo e dirixiuse cara ós tres homes.
Fonte: ASA (5094)