EN Kino carried a bundle in his left hand, but the big knife swung free in his right hand.
GL Kino levaba un fardo na man esquerda e empuñaba o gran coitelo libremente na dereita.
Fonte: PER (1368)
EN They were chanting, something to do with the bundle that the errant twins carried so carefully.
GL Cantaban algo que tiña que ver co vulto que os normalmente trapalleiros xemelgos carrexaban con tanto coidado.
Fonte: SEN (1858)
EN But it was a young black girl, who came in, bringing a small bundle of laundry, which she deposited in the adjoining room, and went away.
GL Pero tratábase dunha moza negra que entrou cun feixe de roupa da lavandería, depositouna no cuarto contiguo e saíu.
Fonte: ESP (2708)
EN They put the ladder against the gable of the chimney; Cathleen goes up a few steps and hides the bundle in the turf-loft.
GL Poñen a esqueira contra a cheminea; Cathleen sobe uns poucos chanzos e agacha o vurullo no faio da turba.
Fonte: RID (55)