EN I am Miss Cardew's guardian, and she cannot marry without my consent until she comes of age.
GL Eu son o titor de miss Cardew e ela non pode casar sen o meu consentimento ata que sexa maior de idade.
Fonte: ERN (1850)
EN Jack nodded, as much for the sake of agreeing as anything, and by tacit consent they left the shelter and went towards the bathing-pool.
GL Jack asentiu coa cabeza, máis ben por estaren de acordo en algo. Por un acordo tácito, abandonaron os refuxios e dirixíronse á poza.
Fonte: SEN (1527)
intransitive verb
EN She was now beginning to feel annoyed with them for being so late; it was inconsiderate of them, and it annoyed her on top of her anxiety about them, that they should choose this very night to be out late, when, in fact, she wished the dinner to be particularly nice, since William Bankes had at last consented to dine with them; and they were having Mildred's masterpiece --Boeuf en Daube.
GL Agora comezaba a anoxarse con eles por chegaren tan tarde; era unha falta de consideración pola súa banda, e o anoxo superaba a súa preocupación por eles, ¡que escolleran esta mesma noite para andar tarde por aí fóra cando, de feito, desexaba que a cea fose particularmente agradable xa que William Bankes accedera á fin a cear con eles, e tendo de menú a obra mestra de Mildred: Boeuf en Daube!
Fonte: CAR (1163)
EN But business is business, and with this axe I am going to effect a dissolution of our partnership unless you will consent in all future burglaries to wear a bell-punch.
GL Pero o negocio é o negocio, e con esta machada vou levar a cabo a disolución da nosa sociedade, a non ser que consintas levar un axóuxere en tódolos roubos futuros.
Fonte: OIL (23)
EN She gave Edna the address, regretting that she would not consent to stay and spend the remainder of the afternoon, and pay a visit to Mademoiselle Reisz some other day.
GL Deulle a Edna o enderezo, lamentando que non aceptase pasar con ela o que lle quedaba de tarde, e deixase a visita a Mademoiselle Reisz para outro día.
Fonte: ESP (1668)