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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- contamination, contemplate, contemplation, contemplative, contemporary, contempt, contemptible, contemptuous, contemptuously, contend, contending, content, contented, contentedly, contention, contentious, contentment, contest, contestant


- transitive verb
- afirmar

EN Some people contended that the reason Mademoiselle Reisz always chose apartments up under the roof was to discourage the approach of beggars, peddlars and callers.
GL Había quén afirmaba que o motivo polo que Mademoiselle Reisz elixía sempre os áticos era o de evita-los mendigos, os quincalleiros e as visitas.
- Fonte: ESP (1678)
- contender

EN All the beauties of the land were assembled in those galleries, while below pranced plumed knights with their pages and esquires, among whom figured conspicuously the princes who were to contend in the tourney.
GL Tódalas belezas do país xuntáranse nesas galerías, e mentres que embaixo caracoleaban cabaleiros empenechados cos seus paxes e escudeiros, entre os cales figuraban nomeadamente os príncipes que ían contender no torneo.
- Fonte: ALH (687)
- protestar

EN 'Englishman!' said a Frenchman once to me, 'you that contest our claim to the sublime, and contend that "la maniere noble" of our artists wears a falsetto character, what do you think of that saying of a king of ours, That it became not the King of France to avenge the injuries of the Duke of Orleans (i. e. of himself under that title)?'.
GL "¡Ingleses!", díxome unha vez un francés, "vostedes que discuten a nosa pretensión ó sublime, e protestan que "la manière noble" dos nosos artistas viste un carácter de falsetto, qué pensan deste dito dun dos nosos reis, que non se fixo Rei de Francia para vinga-las inxurias do Duque de Orléans (é dicir, del mesmo, baixo tal título)?".
- Fonte: LET (443)
- defender

EN A quibble arose concerning the phrase 'break out', O'Brien contended it was Thornton's privilege to knock the runners loose, leaving Buck to 'break it out' from a dead standstill.
GL Houbo unha deboura sobre o significado da palabra "mover". O'Brien defendía que Thornton debía despegar primeiro os patins e logo Buck, co trineo parado, empezar a movelo.
- Fonte: CHA (1334)
- soster

EN Many Kenyan teachers also contend that corporal punishment is one of the few disciplinary tools available given large class sizes.
GL Moitos profesores kenyanos sosteñen tamén que os castigos corporais son un dos poucos instrumentos de que dispoñen para manteren a disciplina en aulas ateigadas.
- Fonte: C23 (1016)
- considerar

EN But they contend that once such high-yielding varieties enter the market, it will be difficult to monitor the patenting rights because they are mass-cultivated crops.
GL Pero consideran que cando esas variedades de alto rendemento se comercialicen, será difícil facer respecta-las patentes porque se trata de especies amplamente cultivadas.
- Fonte: C29 (1067)

- intransitive verb
- enfrontarse

EN Such was the formidable rival with whom Ichabod Crane had to contend, and, considering all things, a stouter man than he would have shrunk from the competition, and a wiser man would have despaired.
GL Este era o perigoso rival co que tiña que enfrontarse Ichabod Crane, e, tendo en conta todo isto, calquera outro home máis robusto ca el xa se retiraría da competición, e calquera outro máis intelixente estaría desesperado.
- Fonte: LEN (117)
- competir

EN In the villages advertisements of wine of Ribero contend with those of cider from neighbouring Asturias: Ya llegó la sidra de Villaviciosa.
GL Nas vilas os anuncios do viño do Ribeiro compiten cos da sidra da veciña Asturias: Ya llegó la sidra de Villaviciosa.
- Fonte: GAL (505)
- lidar

EN The other camp that governments have to contend with are the special education structures themselves.
GL O outro aspecto co que os gobernos deben lidar son as reticencias do persoal das propias escolas especializadas.
- Fonte: C30 (969)