EN But their father, they knew, would never be content until they were flying along.
GL Pero o seu pai, como ben sabían eles, non había quedar satisfeito ata que fosen voando.
Fonte: CAR (2535)
EN The pig-run kept close to the jumble of rocks that lay down by the water on the other side and Ralph was content to follow Jack along it.
GL O carroucho dos porcos discorría a carón das rochas situadas á beira do mar, no outro lado, e Ralph estaba contento de seguir a Jack ó longo del.
Fonte: SEN (3218)
EN Poirot took a quick glance through the contents of the small case on the seat.
GL Poirot levou a cabo unha rápida inspección do contido dun maletín que estaba na cadeira.
Fonte: ASA (4453)
EN Old Baltus Van Tassel moved about among his guests with a face dilated with content and good humor, round and jolly as the harvest moon.
GL O vello Baltus Van Tassel camiñaba entre os seus invitados coa cara inchada de satisfacción e bo humor, redonda e alegre coma a lúa chea.
Fonte: LEN (152)
transitive verb
EN In the beginning he contented himself with circling timidly round the neighbouring square or, at most, going half way down one of the side streets but when he had made a skeleton map of the city in his mind he followed boldly one of its central lines until he reached the customhouse.
GL Ao primeiro contentouse con circular timidamente ao redor da praza do barrio ou, canto máis, en percorrer a metade dalgunha das rúas laterais, pero cando tivo un esquema do mapa da cidade na mente seguía valentemente calquera das súas liñas centrais ata que chegaba á alfándega.
Fonte: RET (1424)
EN He may content himself with turning contemplative philosopher, and find sufficient food for his mind in tracing the march of the human intellect, the changes which have been wrought in the dispositions, desires, and powers of mankind.
GL Se cadra conformaríase con ser un filósofo contemplativo, quizais a tarefa de describir a evolución da razón humana e os cambios que se produciron no temperamento, desexos e capacidades do home sería distracción suficiente para a súa mente.
Fonte: DOD (83)