intransitive verb
EN The Englishman looked out of the window and coughed.
GL O inglés ollou pola xanela e tusiu.
Fonte: ASA (513)
EN I have also in my possession, you will be pleased to hear, certificates of Miss Cardew's birth, baptism, whooping cough, registration, vaccination, confirmation, and the measles; both the German and the English variety.
GL Tamén teño no meu poder, se quere sabelo, o certificado de nacemento de miss Cardew, o do bautismo, o da tose ferina, confirmación e xarampón; todos en alemán e en inglés.
Fonte: ERN (1789)
EN He thrust forward his under jaw and uttered a dry short cough.
GL Proxectou para adiante o maxilar inferior articulando un tusido breve e seco.
Fonte: RET (3661)