EN Stephen was glad to go with him on these errands for uncle Charles helped him very liberally to handfuls of whatever was exposed in open boxes and barrels outside the counter.
GL Stephen estaba encantado de ir co tío Charles de recados, pois este convidábao xenerosamente a presadas de canto estivese exposto en caixas abertas e bocois a esta beira do mostrador.
Fonte: RET (1349)
transitive verb
EN A word of caution: as volunteers of good will, we must counter negative impulses in our societies and shed light on the activities of racists and extremists, who, in the name of cohesion, wage violent hate campaigns.
GL Pero coidado, en tanto que voluntarios debemos contrarrestar algúns malos impulsos das nosas sociedades, denunciando as actitudes de racistas e extremistas que, no nome da cohesión, organizan violentas campañas de odio.
Fonte: C06 (968)
EN Most of them have also rallied around specific issues instead of articulating a comprehensive counter vision.
GL Na súa maioría agrupáronse en torno a problemas específicos, pero carecen de alternativa global.
Fonte: C08 (836)