FEM: countess |
EN The Count was sitting in the comer near the door reading a newspaper.
GL O conde estaba sentado na esquina máis próxima á porta, lendo un xornal.
Fonte: ASA (4298)
transitive verb
EN But it's just such seeming trifles that we've got to take seriously; such things count.
GL Pero precisamente estas aparentes miudezas son as que hai que tomar en consideración. Estas cousas contan.
Fonte: ESP (1422)
EN A British subject can still travel if he is content to take with him only five English pounds which he is forbidden to spend abroad, but if Rollo Martins had not received an invitation from Lime of the International Refugee Office he would not have been allowed to enter Austria, which counts still as occupied territory.
GL Un inglés é aínda capaz de viaxar polo estranxeiro tan só con cinco libras que non pode gastar, pero se non fora pola invitación que Rollo Martins recibira de Lime, na Oficina Internacional de Refuxiados, non obtería permiso para viaxar a Austria, considerada aínda territorio ocupado.
Fonte: TER (65)
EN They scattered far and wide over the country, and it was not till a week later that the last of the survivors gathered together in a lower valley and counted their losses.
GL Espalláronse por toda a rexión e pasou unha semana enteira antes de que se volvesen xuntar nun val distante a reconta-las perdas que sufriran.
Fonte: CHA (1621)