intransitive verb
PAST: stood; PART: stood |
estar de pé
EN Standing in the door, he saw two men approach; and one of them carried a lantern which lighted the ground and the legs of the men.
GL Estando de pé na porta viu como se lle aproximaban dous homes; un deles levaba unha lanterna que alumaba o chan e mailas pernas de ambos.
Fonte: PER (485)
permanecer de pé
EN Standing, as now, lean as a knife, narrow as the blade of one, grinning sarcastically, not only with the pleasure of disillusioning his son and casting ridicule upon his wife, who was ten thousand times better in every way than he was (James thought), but also with some secret conceit at his own accuracy of judgement.
GL Cando permanecía de pé, coma agora, estreito e afiado coma a folla dun coitelo, sorrindo sarcasticamente, non só polo pracer de desilusionar ó seu fillo e deixar en ridículo á súa muller, dez mil veces superior a el en todo (coidaba James), senón tamén pola súa íntima seguridade na propia precisión de xuízo.
Fonte: CAR (13)
EN 'After a time, too, I came to connect these wells with tall towers standing here and there upon the slopes".
GL "Logo dun tempo, tamén, cheguei a conectar eses pozos con altas torres que se erguían aquí e acolá sobre os outeiros".
Fonte: TEM (892)
EN I can't stand it.
GL Non o podo aturar.
Fonte: VIX (6390)
EN They can always be read in terms of ideology, of taking a stand in the eyes of the world and in our own eyes.
GL Sempre hai unha lectura ideolóxica, unha toma de posición perante o mundo, a realidade e nós.
Fonte: C01 (1310)
EN Instead, it's up to the ordinary citizens to organize on a global scale, and change from being powerless to taking a stand, joining the debate and drafting a different way forward.
GL Conclusión: son os simples cidadáns os que deberán organizarse a escala mundial para pasaren da impotencia á resistencia, logo ó compromiso e a proporen alternativas.
Fonte: C08 (483)
EN In the midst of the din, people hugged each other --on the pitch, in the stands, before giant screens set up in Paris, Saint Étienne and thousands of other French towns and villages, and in front of TV sets in bars, cafés and homes.
GL Os berros mestúranse da mesma maneira que os corpos se abrazan. No terreo de xogo, nas tribunas, pero tamén fronte ás pantallas xigantes de París, Saint-Étienne, de milleiros de vilas e de aldeas, e na intimidade dos bares e dos salóns.
Fonte: C14 (441)