EN Marcher knew him at once for one of the deeply stricken --a perception so sharp that nothing else in the picture comparatively lived, neither his dress, his age, nor his presumable character and class; nothing lived but the deep ravage of the features that he showed.
GL Marcher sentiu no intre que se trataba dun dos profundamente aflixidos, unha percepción tan intensa que daquela imaxe non perdurou nada más, nin a vestimenta, nin a idade, nin o seu presumible carácter e clase; non perdurou nada máis salvo o profundo estrago das faccións que o home mostraba.
Fonte: BES (849)
EN It was, moreover, said that he had found out the secret of prolonging life, by means of which he had arrived to the great age of upwards of two centuries, though, as he did not discover the secret until well stricken in years, he could only perpetuate his gray hairs and wrinkles.
GL Tamén dicían, alén diso, que achara o segredo para alonga-la vida, mediante o cal acadara o home a delongada idade de máis de dous séculos, aínda que, como non achou o segredo ata estar ben magoado polos anos, só puido conserva-lo cabelo agrisado e mailas engurras.
Fonte: ALH (96)
EN The rabbit could not turn, and as the white teeth broke its back in mid air it shrieked as loudly as a stricken man may shriek.
GL O coello non deu recuado e cando os brancos dentes lle partiron as costas pegou un berro agudo semellante ó dun home ferido.
Fonte: CHA (590)