EN His eyes were warm and fierce and bright and his mustache was thin and coarse.
GL Os seus ollos eran cálidos, feros e luminosos e o bigote fino e duro.
Fonte: PER (57)
EN Passing through the ravine, they came to a hollow, like a small amphitheatre, surrounded by perpendicular precipices, over the brinks of which impending trees shot their branches, so that you only caught glimpses of the azure sky and the bright evening cloud.
GL Pasaron a través do desfiladeiro e chegaron ata un val, que era coma un pequeno anfiteatro, rodeado de precipicios verticais, con árbores próximas ó bordo, que proxectaban as súas pólas, polo que a penas se podía albisca-lo azul do ceo e as nubes brillantes da noitiña.
Fonte: RIP (81)
EN After a flight through the sunshine the wings of a bird fold themselves quietly and the blue of its plumage changes from bright steel to soft purple.
GL Despois dun voo a través dos raios do sol, as ás dun paxaro se pregan suavemente e o azul da súa plumaxe muda dun aceiro relucente a un morado tenue.
Fonte: CAR (303)
EN When he had broken up this scenery, weary of its tinsel, there would come to his mind the bright picture of Marseille, of sunny trellises, and of Mercedes.
GL Unha vez roto o escenario, canso da súa falsidade, víñalle á mente a alegre pintura de Marsella, das súas soleadas celosías, e de Mercedes.
Fonte: RET (1374)
EN The maize is hung in curtains from the balconies, so that some of the villages seem to have half their houses washed a bright ochre; there are no granaries.
GL Cólgase o millo dos balcóns en restras, de xeito que algunhas aldeas semellan te-la metade das casas pintadas dun ocre claro. Non se ven canastros.
Fonte: GAL (1258)
EN Of all this Daisy delivered herself with the sweetest, brightest audibleness, looking now at her hostess and now round the room, while she gave a series of little pats, round her shoulders, to the edges of her dress.
GL Daisy expresou todo isto coa mais doce e radiante audibilidade, mirando agora á súa anfitriona, agora arredor da estancia, ó tempo que daba unha serie de pequenos toques nos ombreiros, nas beiras do vestido.
Fonte: DAI (1100)
EN Apart from a few exceptions, they didn't want bright people.
GL Non querían persoas intelixentes, agás algunha que outra excepción.
Fonte: C11 (1295)